
Type Albums
Release Date 01-11-1988
Chart Position 0
Label EMI
Catalogue No LP: EMS 1311 - TC: TC-EMS 1311 - CD: CZ 147
Vinyl - Mono/Stereo
Tape Cassette
Compact disc
Catalogue Number
EMS 1311
EMS 1311
CZ147  CDP7 91297/2


Compilation of previously unreleased tracks, foreign releases and B Side tracks.  Album one is on CD1 and Album two is on CD2


17 Tracks


  1. Carrie (Miles / Marshall)
  2. Mexico Gold (Alexander / Campbell / Oerton)
  3. If It Wasn't For The Reason That I Love You (Cooke / Greenaway)
  4. Louisiana Man (Kershaw)
  5. She Looked My Way (Reed / Rae)
  6. Eleanor's Castle (Clarke)
  7. Here In My Dreams (Arnesen / Horton-Jennings)
  8. Sanctuary (Benson)
  9. Relax (Nash)
  10. Tomorrow When It Comes (Clarke / Nash)
  11. Open Up Your Eyes (Clarke / Hicks / Nash)
  12. The Times They Are A-Changin' (Live May 1968)
  13. Look Through Any Window - Regardez Par Des Fenetres (Sung In French)
  14. After The Fox (Bacharach)
  15. Non Prego Per Me (Sung In Italian)
  16. Like Every Time Before (Clarke / Nash / Hicks)
  17. Wings (Clarke / Nash)


Carrie (Miles / Marshall)
One cold and sad affair
take my heart and leave it there
I'm gonna feel this way forever
Never thought that I'd be free
Now your faith is changing me
Carrie Carrie

Now only time will tell
It's a dream I know so well
You always try so hard to please me
Only thing I know for sure
I couldn't love you anymore
Carrie Carrie

Waited so long no one to share (why did you keep me waiting)
Could you belong to someone
Show you care I'll be there
Carrie is it more than a dream this time (more than a dream)
Carrie can I tell everyone you're mine (tell them you're mine)
I will never be the same
And now you made me live again
Carrie is it more than a dream this time
Carrie is it more than a dream this time

My heart is open wide
You know how I feel inside
You see my sad old days are over
Never need to hide away
Gettin' stronger everyday Carrie Carrie


Carrie can I tell everyone your mine (tell them you're mine)
Carrie is it more than a dream this time ( more than a dream)


Mexico Gold (Alexander / Campbell / Oerton)
Thought I'd take a trip down to the old world
'cause I heard a lot of things about the North American girls
I was looking for a lady
someone to have my baby

So I got me on a 747 Pan-American plane
I sat me down next to your all-American dame
Said I'm going up north
she said it's a pity
Then she told about the gold
down in Mexico City

Oh she said "Lordy Lordy
watch the blue smoke flying
every morning and every night
to get you out of your head
Oh man oh Lordy Lordy it's a natural high
when you're living down south
and it's going right out of your head

Got off the plane went to the customs
and they gave me a list
Do you carry a gun take drugs or are you Communist
They said my papers were in order
I wasn't staying long no sir
I'm going south across the border


Took the first southbound
across the Rio and down
Found a little place in the small Mexico town
Just me and my lady
now she's having my baby

chorus x2


If It Wasn't For The Reason That I Love You (Cooke / Greenaway)
Another day gone and I think of you
Wonder where you're going
Wonder what you do
without me

A telephone call from a friend I know
left me feeling bitter
left me feeling so unhappy

'Cos if you couldn't wait for 24 hours
what good would telegrams and flowers do

If it wasn't for the reason
that I love you baby
I wouldn't have another thing
to say to you

Might as well stay
for a day or two
Find another friend
and have a drink or two
to pass the time

Talking over troubles
in a whiskey daze
a little drop of cognac
helps a man to face the lonely times

'Cause it's sad being home
and I've given up trying
I've got no lyin'
that I wanna do


Wish I could find a way
Make up the words to say
You cheated and you lied
You took away the little pride
I had inside


verse 1
verse 2
verse 4
verse 5


Louisiana Man (Kershaw)
At first Mom and Papa called the little boy Ned
Raised him on the banks of the riverbed
A houseboat tied to a big tall tree
A home for my Papa and my Mama and me

The clock strikes three Papa jumps to his feet
Already Mama's cooking Papa something to eat
At half past Papa he's a-ready to go
He jumps in his bireau heading down the bayou

He's got fishing lines strung across the Louisiana River
Gotta catch a big fish for us to eat
He sets his traps catching anything he can
Gotta make a living he's a Louisiana Man
Gotta make a living he's a Louisiana Man

Muskrat hides hangin' by the dozen
Even got a lady makes a muskrat cousin
All the hides drying in the hot hot sun
Tomorrow Papa's gonna turn them into mon

Call Mama Rita and my daddy is Jack
Little baby brother on the floor is Matt
Green and Lynn are the family twins
Big brother Ed's on the bayou fishing

On the river floats Papa's great big boat
That's how my Papa goes into town
Takes every bit of the night and day
To even reach the place where the people stay

I can hardly wait 'till tomorrow comes around
That's the day my Papa takes his furs to town
Papa promised me that I could go
He'd even let me see a cowboy show

I'd seen the cowboys and Indians for the first time then
Told my Papa gotta go again
Papa said "Son we got a life to run
We'd come back again 'cos there's work to be done"



She Looked My Way (Reed / Rae)
All around me the music was loud
Playing sound for the noisiest crowd
Did I care
I didn't even know why I was there

Sick and tired of the same old scene
Had my share of that same old routine
Like before I kept on hoping there was something more
Then anyone could see there was a change in me

When she looked my way
A simple glance and she had made my day
She looked my way
Was there a chance she wanted me to stay
Why didn't I go to her
Why didn't I speak to her
Why did I let her go away

Looked again but I found she had gone
So my heartache just kept going on
Through the night my heart and I remembered that first sight
I thought I found the love that I'd been dreaming of


When she looked my way
A simple glance and she had made my day
She looked my way
Was there a chance she wanted me to stay
She looked my way
A simple glance and she had made my day


Eleanor's Castle (Clarke)
Eleanor's castle boy what a hassle
Why did you have to build your walls so high
I'd put my arms around you
but a moat surrounds you
The only way's to let your drawbridge down

Nights without number
I'm without slumber
thinking of ways to breach your turrets tall
You're an iron lady
and someday maybe
you'll forget bar the iron door

Man was made to conquer
so the story goes
I wish I knew who said it
he could help me 'cause he knows
This situation getting way out of line
I can't win if you won't let me in
Ain't it a sin (It's a sin she won't let him in)

Shielded from my advances
there's very few chances
I'm a one-man crusade fighting in vain

Rack my brain for ideas
but it appears
compared to you dragons are easily slain

verse 1

verse 3

verse 5


Here In My Dreams (Arnesen / Horton-Jennings)
Starlight on my face
Moonbright on the ground
Fill this empty space
Rest the travel-bound

After weary days
Lady Luck please smile
show the many ways
We can go where wishes go
Let's chase the shadow-child

Here in my dreams
love is warm love is golden
causing me to believe
I have touched I have seen

Sunshine of the night
dance on crystal streams
All the things that wishes bring
are living in my dreams


verse 3

chorus x2


Sanctuary (Benson)
I walk the twilight zone beyond the city lights
In search of peace of mind I stole into the night
Tried to hide away from everything that threatened my existence
I showed resistance

Up there big brother's got his tabs on where I go
They tried to force me down a road where I can go
So you imagine how I felt when you said "Baby I can understand"
Touched my hand

You are my sanctuary
When I'm in your arms you take me away
You are my sanctuary
When I'm in despair I reach out and you're always there
You're always there

Beyond the skyways through the looking glass I roam
Into the never-never I found a star that glowed
And I descended on my last true wing and prayer
and you were standing there the one that cared


When there's no escaping and I panic in the night
I can run to you for cover
'Cos you'll always make it right

chorus x2


Relax (Nash)
Relax take your shoes off
Relax what's your hurry
As the days go hurrying-scurrying by
you'll find yourself finding a reason
to watch the world go by

Relax take your shoes off
Relax don't you worry
As the world goes heltering-skeltering by
the sun will still wander across the sky

And if you stay with me
we'll grow wiser gracefully


Tomorrow When It Comes (Clarke / Nash)
When tomorrow comes you'll be thinking of yesterday
All the things you're gonna do
Will be the things you've done
What difference does it make to you
What you were doing yesterday
Today will be yesterday tomorrow when it comes

In or out it's all the same
When you're in you're out again
Going in you must come out of place you've been in
If I'm saying 'yes' to you
It's 'no' if I don't follow through
Today will be yesterday tomorrow when it comes

See then use your mind
Everything is everything all of the time
See then use your mind
Everything is everything all of the time

verse 1

Today will be yesterday tomorrow when it comes


Open Up Your Eyes (Clarke / Hicks / Nash)
Open up your eyes looking at the people
Wouldn't it be nice if they were always smiling
Open up your eyes looking at the people
Wouldn't it be nice if they were always smiling smiling

Wake in the morning
Look out of my window
down on the street as the people pass by
Wonderful faces awake but asleep
rushing around with appointments to keep
rushing around with appointments to keep

Bald-headed banker with bowler on head
Credit for debit but still in the red
Schoolgirl in pigtails and freckly nose
trying to remember her Latin prose
trying to remember her Latin prose


Open up your eyes open up your eyes
Open up your eyes open up your eyes
Isn't it surprising what you'll find

Open up your eyes open up your eyes

What are they thinking
What's on their minds
Are they all looking for something to find
Decreasing circles running around
searching for something they've already found
searching for something they've already found


Open up your eyes looking at the people


The Times They Are A-Changin' (Live May 1968)


Look Through Any Window - Regardez Par Des Fenetres (Sung In French)


After The Fox (Bacharach)
Who is the fox - I am the fox
Who are you - I am me
Who is me - Me is a thief
You'll bring your poor, poor mother grief

So after the fox, after the fox
Off to the hunt with chains and locks
So after the fox, after the fox
Someone is always chasing after the fox

Where is the gold - It's on the truck
Where's the truck - I won't tell
You must tell - Then I will lie
You'll make your poor, poor sister cry

So after the fox, after the fox
Off to the hunt with chains and locks
So after the fox, after the fox
Someone is always chasing after the fox

Why do you steal - So I'll be rich
Why not work - Work is hard
You'll be caught - I never fail
All little crooks wind up in jail - Not me not me

So after the fox, after the fox
Off to the hunt with chains and locks
So after the fox, after the fox
Someone is always chasing after the fox

After the fox

After the fox

After the fox


Non Prego Per Me (Sung In Italian)


Like Every Time Before (Clarke / Nash / Hicks)
If you'd only realise
I've been happy with you once before
Can't you let it be the same and more
Without you fighting me, fighting me

If you could only look into my eyes
Then you would see the truth within them lies
That I am trying hard to bring us back together

You try so hard to complicate our love
But underneath it all it's pride my love
That's hurting us and keeping us apart




I start to wonder if it's worth it all
But then I look at you and start to fall
In love again, like every time before
Mmm in love again, like every time before
Oh in love again, like every time before

Wings (Clarke / Nash)
Love comes but once in a while
Now that you're here I'm beginning to smile
Why do they want us to walk when we can fly

Our love is burning inside
Why is it something that we have to hide
Why do they want us to walk when we can fly

We'll always feel the same
If they break us up we'll only have ourselves to blame
But we know they're playing games
What a face to show we can make it go

If they only had wings
then they'd be sharing in all of our things
Why do they want us to walk when they can fly

What a face to show we can make it go


Fly, fly, fly, fly