Sandy (4th Of July, Asbury Park) / Second Hand Hang-Ups

Type Singles
Release Date 01-05-1975
Chart Position 0
Label Polydor
Catalogue No 2058 595



  1. Sandy (4th of July, Asbury Park) (Springsteen)
  2. Second Hand Hang-Ups (Sylvester / Clarke / Hicks)


Sandy (4th of July, Asbury Park) (Springsteen)
Sandy the aurora is risin' behind us
Those pier lights our carnival life forever
Oh love me tonight for I may never see you again
Hey Sandy girl my baby

Sandy the fireworks are hailin' over Little Eden tonight
Forcin' a light into all those stony faces left stranded on this warm July
And the boys from the casino dance with their shirts open like Latin lovers on the shore
Chasin' all those silly New York virgins by the score

Sandy the aurora is risin' behind us
Those pier lights our carnival life forever
Oh love me tonight and I promise I'll love you forever
Oh I mean it Sandy girl Oh my baby
Hey Sandy girl My baby

Sandy the waitress I was seein' lost her desire for me
I spoke with her last night she said she won't set herself on fire for me anymore
Did you hear the cops finally busted Madame Marie for tellin' fortunes better than they do
For me this boardwalk life is through You ought to quit this scene too


Hey Sandy girl Oh my baby
Hey Sandy girl My baby


Second Hand Hang-Ups (Sylvester / Clarke / Hicks)
It's been such a long time
Since I had words with you
Tell me what you've been doing
Tell me baby what's new

I've been hanging 'round with our old friends
Getting a line on what's happening with your game
They all know something about you
But their stories all are the same

Look out girl You're gonna get caught ooh
Getting caught means I'm gonna lose you
Get on the right track
Then I'll have you back

Second hand hangups don't get me down
This ain't my first time around
I'm not disillusioned
I'm a member of the union
Membership paid done my dues


verse 1

Tell me baby what's new